

Can CBD Help With Pain Management?

Can CBD Help With Pain Management?

| Spencer Beaudreault

By now, there have been multiple studies on the wide variety of potential medical benefits of utilizing the cannabis plant.

Researchers everywhere have been focusing heavily on just how cannabis can potentially benefit the lives of millions of individuals suffering from a plethora of different aches, pains, and ailments.

cannabidiol for adhd hero brands blog cover photo

People Are Using Cannabidiol For ADHD?

| Spencer Beaudreault
ADHD affects a large portion of adults and children across the world. An estimated nine million people are afflicted with ADHD in the United States alone. Those suffering from ADHD often find that they have an extremely difficult time with focusing on specific tasks. They often report having an inability or difficulty with organizing their thoughts and emotions, especially during stressful moments.
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What To Know About Sleep And Mental Health

| Spencer Beaudreault
Sleep health, be it good or bad, can lead to measurable changes within the general wellbeing of an individual. It is for this very reason why disorders such as insomnia can wreak havoc on those who suffer from them. Recent research has shown that a lack of quality sleep can devastate the mental health of an otherwise healthy individual. Sleep and mental health go hand in hand, with one often leading to issues with the other.