It is perhaps one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the country, and also one that is often abused. It’s name is synonymous with hyper kids who can’t seem to focus in class or at home, and it is one of the only prescription medications that we as a society freely prescribe to our children without much of a second thought.
If you guessed Adderall, then you’re right.
Adderall has been used for over twenty years now to manage such disorders as ADD and ADHD. For many, they find that Adderall provides them with the energy and mental stability to focus on the wide variety of tasks. Adults gain the energy that they may need throughout the day, and children find that they are able to focus in class. Many individuals, specifically children, are freely prescribed Adderall in order to correct perceived negative behaviors such as hyperactivity. While often talked about as if it is a wonder drug of sorts that cures “unruly” children, Adderall, like nearly every medication, does have a dark side to it. As such, many are questioning whether or not there are natural methods that can be used to get off of Adderall. To put it clearly, this article is not meant to bash Adderall or those who genuinely gain relief from the drug. Instead, within this article we will go over the facts surrounding Adderall, and answer several questions that many have regarding the drug, such as:
- How to get off Adderall cold turkey?
- How long does it take to get off Adderall?
- How to get off Adderall safely?
- Are there really healthier, more natural alternatives to Adderall?
Let’s first start with the history of adderall, as it can help to provide further understanding and perspective on the medication itself:
History of Adderall
Introduced in 1973 by the pharmaceutical company Rexar, Adderall previously was known by the name Obetrol and was marketed mainly as a weight loss supplement. Obetrol was removed from the market and reintroduced multiple times due to the FDA’s uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of the drug. Despite the lack of approval from the FDA, Obetrol was still sold and marketed for several years by Rexar. After twenty years of Obetrol being marketed as a weight loss supplement, it began to be marketed as a treatment for both narcolepsy as well as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. The drug was soon renamed Adderall, as in, “ADD for all.” This name change sounds minor but when you take into account the idea that Adderall was being marketed as a drug in which anyone could take in order to “benefit” their lives, you see the darker undertones that this marketing technique has. It was sold and marketed as a one-size-fits-all kind of medication, when the reality is that there are no medications that will help everyone all of the time. Every known substance has both positive and negative effects that will vary in experience based on the individual consumer. By marketing Adderall as an instant fix for all, the manufacturer was looking to gain a larger market share at the expense of the consumers. This type of marketing can be criticized and defined as ignorant at best, and downright criminal in some circumstances. This is, however, the reality of how Adderall was started and how it was marketed in its earlier years. The drug itself could be deified as well as demonized depending on the experiences felt on an individual level. Despite what can be described as a shaky past, Adderall has directly benefited the lives of many individuals suffering from both ADD as well as ADHD, and it continues to be used today by a wide margin of people in order to manage both disorders. Regardless of the means of it’s introduction to the American market, Adderall is used by millions of Americans every single day, with no current signs of slowing down. In fact, at the very time of this writing, the manufacturers of Adderall are having an extremely difficult time with keeping up the production of Adderall, as demand for the drug has increased during the ongoing pandemic.
Adderall may be popular and may very well be beneficial to many of those who are prescribed this medication. This, however, does not mean that Adderall is the safest, best medication to use for these disorders. It seems that America has a massive problem with Adderall, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon.
The Problem With Adderall In America
In the United States of America, Adderall reigns supreme amongst medications of its kind. Adderall is commonly prescribed to children under the age of ten who display signs and symptoms associated with ADD or ADHD. Supporters of Adderall state that ADD and ADHD can both often go undiagnosed for years, and that Adderall can be a highly effective means to assist with these disorders. Critics, however, point out the tendency for Adderall to be overprescribed, often to individuals who may not necessarily need the drug.
The numbers alone are staggering.
Currently, over 16 million adults in America are being prescribed Adderall, and millions more minors are actively using the drug. When factoring in those who use Adderall without a prescription, those numbers may very well soar to millions more in the United States alone.
So, Adderall is being prescribed to adults and children by educated physicians who believe that Adderall can benefit their lives. You’re probably wondering what the issue is, right?
For starters, there are several issues associated with the misuse, overuse, and tendencies for doctors to overprescribe Adderall. Contrary to popular belief, Adderall can in fact become habit-forming especially for those suffering from depression. This fact, when coupled with the fact that those suffering from ADHD are four times more likely to suffer from depression, means that there is a large group of people who may abuse Adderall in order to self-medicate their depression. Due to its euphoric effects at larger doses, Adderall is often used recreationally as well. Many high school students have admitted to using Adderall without a prescription. Reasons for this misuse can most likely be attributed to weight management, the energy boosts associated with Adderall, (especially common in this age group for studying and athletics purposes) as well as simple enjoyment of the effects of the medication. While Adderall can be safe when used properly, this does not mean that there aren’t severe side effects associated with the drug. Common side effects associated with Adderall include minor to moderate insomnia, dry mouth, an extreme loss of appetite, weight loss, addiction, and dependency. In some cases, Adderall has been shown to lead to hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, rapid muscle breakdown, and impaired cognitive control.
How To Get Off Adderall Safely?
A commonly asked question that those who are considering getting off of Adderall ask would be how to get off Adderall cold turkey, as well as how to get off Adderall naturally. It is not often advised to stop Adderall cold turkey, especially if the individual has been taking Adderall for a lengthy period of time. As for how to get off Adderall naturally, as well as how to get off Adderall safely?
Well, you do have a few options.
There are those who consult with their doctors and have managed to slowly wean themselves off of Adderall. While this can be done, it often can be a difficult and mentally taxing experience, as consumers may find that they still have trouble managing their symptoms. Some recent studies, however, have presented the theory that cannabis treats ADHD better than adderall. While cannabis and Adderall are very different in terms of the effects they can have, it is believed by some that cannabis may very well be able to provide those suffering from both ADHD as well as ADD with some relief. The mixture of Delta-9-THC and CBD may provide consumers with the ability to free themselves from intrusive thoughts or impulsive behaviors, similarly to how Adderall can. While mixing adderall and marijuana may not be the best idea, some studies are showing that CBD, like Adderall, may soothe the racing mind of those dealing with ADD/ADHD. A CBD and adderall combination, however, may also not be the safest route. While further study on the Adderall vs Marijuana debate is needed, cannabis may one day be hailed as a means for how to get off Adderall naturally.
Before you drop Adderall and begin to try THC and CBD in order to treat ADD or ADHD, make sure that you carefully research the ins and outs of doing so. It would also be very wise to consult with your doctor and psychiatrist before making this decision to ensure that utilizing cannabis in this manner is right for you. While studies on the effect cannabis has on ADD and ADHD are currently in very early stages, we may very well find that CBN, CBD, Delta-8 and various other cannabinoids may play a positive role in the managing of both ADD as well as ADHD. Like many of the ongoing studies on cannabinoids in general, we are currently playing the waiting game. Time will tell just how cannabis can affect those dealing with such disorders.
Until then, we wait.