What is myrcene? What are common myrcene effects? What are some of the myrcene benefits? All of these questions will be answered!
Limonene is just one of what is estimated to be about 120 known terpenes within the cannabis plant, and one of what is believed to be over 100,000 terpenes throughout the world in other plants! Limonene is commonly found within citrus fruits and plants, which is where it gets its name from!
At the time of this writing, there are 113 known cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring chemical compounds that are produced by the cannabis plant. And, while they may all originate from the same plant, these cannabinoids can be very different in terms of chemical makeup as well as the effects felt from using these compounds. No two cannabinoids are exactly alike, although many do share strong similarities. In this article, we will discuss two very similar cannabinoids; cannabinol, or CBN, and cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD.