Delta-8 is a cannabinoid that is considered a minor cannabinoid. Although it does have mild psychoactive effects compared to Delta 9 THC, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Delta 8 stays in your system as long as Delta 9. There is some possibility that Delta 8 can show up on a drug test. In order to determine the likelihood that Delta 8 THC can show up on a drug test, there are several key factors that need to be acknowledged, understood, and addressed.
For starters, we must consider the type of test that is being conducted for detection.
For those who may be unaware of the specifics when referring to drug test administration, different types of drug tests can detect vastly different levels of metabolites in a person’s system. For blood tests, THC can remain in your blood for as long as two days for most individuals. Anything after two days may show up in extremely small amounts, if at all. Generally speaking, after two days whatever metabolites that may still exist within your system would be in amounts too small to be detected by blood tests. Saliva tests are very similar and can last up to two days, because of the fact that THC can remain in your saliva until you swallow fully. Like the blood tests, after two days the metabolites generally will be too insignificant for a saliva test to detect them. Due to the tendency for blood and saliva tests to not register THC metabolites for longer than two days, these are not commonly used for drug tests. The most common and, generally speaking, one of the more precise forms of drug tests administered would be a urine test. For urine tests, it's typically 30 days, but it can sometimes stay in your system for up to 48 days. The length of time that THC can remain in your system mostly depends on how often you consume it. Urine tests can vary from person to person and factors that may influence the results of a urine test include an individual’s weight, body mass index, size of the dosage, and like previously stated, the frequency of their usage of THC. For example, with a urine test, if you’ve used THC only once, it can last up to eight days, if you've used THC for four days it can last up to 18 days, and six days of THC use can last up to 48 days potentially. In this article, we'll dive deep into Delta 8 and answer the question that so many consumers seem to have about Delta 8 THC: exactly how long does Delta 8 stay in your system?

The mild psychoactive Delta-8 effects have been reported by consumers to enhance your mood and give you somewhat of a euphoric feeling. Some users have experienced getting "the munchies" due to the appetite stimulating effect that delta 8 and delta 9 both possess, and other similar experiences of your typical Delta 9 THC consumption. Every single person will have their own personal experience and reaction to Delta 8, but for the most part, a mild high seems to be the common experience among Delta 8 THC consumers. At the time of this writing, Delta 8 THC is growing in popularity by the minute. It is quickly becoming the most commonly discussed “newer” cannabinoid, being found in head shops and online nearly everywhere we turn. With this newfound fame comes many skeptics and consumers alike wanting to know more about Delta 8 THC. Some want to know the potential health benefits that may be associated with Delta 8 THC, while others seem to have more questions about the experience that comes with using Delta 8 THC products. Common questions when discussing delta 8 THC would be:
- How long does the Delta 8 high last?
How long does Delta-8 THC stay in your system? Specifically, how long does Delta 8
stay in your urine? - Will Delta 8 make you fail a drug test?

If you’re using a Delta-8 Vape product, you can expect to feel the effects between 1-6 minutes. This can most definitely vary from person to person, and also the type of product being consumed. Not all Delta 8 products are the same, and different Delta 8 vape products will have different levels of potency. However, once the effects have started, they can last up to five hours. The peak of the effects fit in a wide range from 30 minutes up to two and a half hours. Therefore it is important for Delta 8 consumers to wait until they are fully aware of the effects of Delta 8 before they decide to consume more. The general length of the experience of vaping Delta 8 THC is as follows:
- Onset: 1-6 Minutes
- Lasts: Up to 5 Hours
- Peak: 30 Minutes to 2.5 Hours
This isn't the same for Delta 8 Gummies or Delta 8 Capsules. When Delta 8 Gummies are ingested, it takes longer for your body to metabolize the Delta 8 and for it to get into your bloodstream. For those who have experience with Delta 9 edible products, this is comparable. When it comes to Delta 9 THC, the reason for the edible product to take longer to be metabolized and seem to hit stronger than smoking Delta 9 THC is that when we ingest an edible form of THC, more Delta 9 THC is processed by our liver. During the processing of Delta 9 THC by the liver, it is converted into a substance called 11-hydroxy-THC. 11-hydroxy-THC can be much more potent than similar levels of Delta-9-THC. This is actually believed to be what happens to Delta-8 THC when it is consumed in edible forms as well! Now, when discussing edible forms of Delta 8 THC such as the gummies and Delta 8 capsules listed earlier, in order to set the right expectations, the effects can begin as soon as 30 minutes and as late as 2 hours. Therefore, you can expect to feel it’s effects way after you’ve taken it. Typically ingestibles are very concentrated so when it hits you, you’ll feel it all at once. This often provides users with a stronger, more intense experience than if they had simply vaped delta 8 THC. Some consumers say that ingesting an edible may also feel more intense if ingested on an empty stomach, though there are no studies to confirm this as of right now. Regardless, these are factors to keep in mind if you decide to ingest an edible form of Delta-8 THC! Below is a brief breakdown of what to expect during your Delta 8 THC gummies experience:
- Onset: 30 minutes - 2 Hours
- Lasts: Up to 5 Hours
- Peak: 60 Minutes to 2 Hours
Now that we have gone over the first question, “how long does Delta-8-THC stay in your system” let’s go over the second and third questions: How long does Delta 8 stay in your system, and will Delta 8 make you fail a drug test?

How Long Does Delta 8 Stay In Your System?
How long does Delta 8 stay in saliva? Blood? Urine? Hair?
Blood Tests: up to 2 days.
Saliva Tests: up to 2 days.
Urine Tests: 5-10 days
Hair Follicle Tests: up to 90 days.

How Long Before You Can Pass A Drug Test?
How long does Delta-8 stay in your urine?
Now keep in mind that while Delta 8 THC is federally legal to consume in most states, it is also closely related to Delta 9 THC, which is not, of course, federally legalized in the United States. Due to its chemical similarities to Delta 9 THC, Delta 8 THC can show up on a drug test for THC. Having Delta 8 in your system won't cause any real adverse effects and problems (unless you dose very high). However, it can potentially cause one issue for working adults. If you still have Delta 8 in your system, you can run the risk of failing a drug test.
A positive or negative test depends on how fast your system flushes out the THC metabolites, as well as what type of drug test you are taking. Like previously stated, blood tests and saliva tests can be passed if taken 3 days later. As we know, hair follicle tests can often detect THC in your system up to a month or two after consumption. Urine tests, however, are the most commonly used for detection. Urine tests won’t detect THC metabolites for as long as hair follicle tests, but they are much more precise than blood and saliva tests.
With Urine tests, 5-10 days is the timeframe in which THC metabolites can be detected after consumption. With that being said, you should refrain from using any type of THC if you know you have a drug test within a week or so. When it comes to drug tests, Delta 8 THC is not a safe alternative to Delta 9 THC. Refrain from using any Delta 8 or Delta 9 products in order to ensure that you are able to pass the test. There are, however, certain methods out there that can help you flush THC out of your system quickly if needed.

How To Clear Delta 8 Out Of Your System
If you really want to pass your drug test, it's best to stop using any products for at least 1-2 weeks if you know you have a test coming up. This will help you to give your body time to fully process and metabolize any leftover remnants of THC compounds. However, if you need to clear THC metabolites out of your system in a quick manner, there are some helpful methods that can help you achieve that.
The first would be to stay hydrated. Make sure that you are drinking plenty of water!! Drinking lots of water is probably the most effective way to free your system of THC metabolites. This tactic will not only help you flush Delta 8 out by frequent urination, it will also dilute the THC metabolites still remaining in your system. By diluting the THC metabolites in your system, you will make it much more difficult for most drug tests to detect them. This effectively boosts your chances of passing the test. Aside from ensuring that you stay hydrated, you'll also need to supplement properly, with vitamins such as B12 and creatinine, to help you steer clear. By ensuring that you are properly hydrated and taking these supplements, it will give you the best chance of passing a quickly approaching drug test. Now, this is not a guaranteed method for passing a drug test, but it may be your best shot at doing just that.
There are other methods that may very well prove to be helpful for an individual needing to pass a short-notice drug test. The other helpful methods include....
- Eating High-Fiber Foods. Eating foods that are high in fiber may assist you with passing a drug test. It is believed by some that the high level of fiber may help your body to flush your system out
- Eating High-Protein Foods. Foods that are rich in protein may assist you with an upcoming drug test as well! Eating high protein foods can increase the level of creatinine found in your urine. This can help to mask any potential issues with excessive dilution which could flag a drug test as invalid.
- Drinking Cranberry Juice. Cranberry juice has for years been rumored to help pass a drug test, but there may be some truth to this one! Drinking cranberry juice can add more acidity to your urine and is believed to be able to hide potential metabolites from showing up.
Exercising. Exercising regularly keeps your metabolism going, which, in the event of an upcoming drug test, can be beneficial for getting rid of leftover metabolites.
Make note that these four methods sometimes require more than a week to be effective enough to pass a urine test, and none of these four methods can give you a guaranteed clean drug test. In addition to these four methods, there are detox kits made specifically for passing a drug test as well. A THC Detox Kit or THC Detox Drink is also one of the most effective ways to make sure you pass your drug test, as there are specific products for passing urine tests with THC in your system. While the effectiveness and reliability of these THC detox kits and drinks will vary based on product as well as individual user, many consumers stand by these kits as a means to ensure that they can pass a drug test on relatively short notice.

Looking to try Hero Brands Delta 8?
Now that we have gone over three of the most common questions consumers have about delta 8 THC, let’s discuss delta 8 products. There are a wide variety of delta 8 THC products to choose from, all with various pros and cons attached to them. In order to know which product is right for you, you must do your due diligence and actively research them to ensure that the product will provide the type of experience that you’re looking for!
If you're looking for a great selection of Delta 8 products, look no further than here.
Our selection consists of...
When consuming Hero Brands products, it's important to know how long does Delta 8 stay in your system, how to get Delta 8 out of your system if you're getting drug tested, and how long does the Delta 8 high last. Having a general overview of these questions will help with having an optimized experience.
We hope that by reading this article and taking the time to research delta 8 THC on your own that you can do just that. Remember that delta 8 THC is safe, legal, and can be a great experience for many!